Magnesium For Nerves and Muscles!
I have a good friend who is always lecturing me on the benefits of vitamins and minerals. I have always taken a daily multivitamin but have never really concentrated on any other supplements. Well the other day I was getting a lot of nerve pain in my lower back. For once I tried what my friend suggested and took a couple of magnesium tablets (250 mg each). In a little while, the pain was not only gone but I felt invigorated all over!
Magnesium is essential along with calcium for bone and nerve health.It relaxes the muscles. It helps process the calcium we should all be getting through diet and/or supplement. Because my friend Joanne is a believer in natural medicines, I’m exploring this much further after my magnesium success! I found the following article with many interesting ideas, and I will probably try them all!
Back Pain - Natural Supplement Treatments
Rene Graeber
There are a number of different ways you can treat your back
pain naturally: vitamins, minerals, herbs, nutrition, and
homeopathy medicine.
Some will help heal your back pain and others are dangerous, so
it’s best to consult with a physician or nurse practitioner
before taking anything and never, ever exceed recommended
The FDA has no control over natural supplements, so it does not
recommend them.
Since supplements are not FDA approved they must be accompanied
by a two-part disclaimer on the product label: that the
statement has not been evaluated by FDA and that the product is
not intended to "diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease."
That doesn’t mean, though, that all supplements are bad. Some
medications turn out to be unsafe, too, despite rigorous trials
and testing. The bottom line is to research every product you
consider taking and make sure you get supplements from a
reputable source, like a health food store.
Everybody’s chemistry is different and reacts differently, so
if you are considering taking a supplement equivalent to a
pharmaceutical, you may still have some side effects.
There are many natural supplements that can be found in
supermarkets and drug stores. You may have to check health food
stores for more obscure supplements. Like any kind of medication
that you buy over the counter, you’ll have a choice between the
store brand and name brands.
Store brands are perfectly safe to use and are less expensive
because you don’t have to pay for advertising. You can also buy
supplements over the internet, but you should be sure you buy
from a reputable source so you know exactly what you are
Do some research and ask around to find out which online
suppliers are the best and most reputable.
Listed below are some natural supplement treatments that have
been publicized to help alleviate back pain. When dosages are
listed, you should know that if you are particularly thin or
heavy, you should consult an expert before taking the
And remember, natural supplements will not relieve pain
immediately, but have to be taken for weeks or sometimes even
months before you see results.
Vitamins and Minerals
VITAMIN E-400 IU daily; anti-inflammatory
VITAMIN C-250-500mg twice daily
ZINC-30 mg twice daily; anti-inflammatory
CALCIUM-600mg daily; strengthens bones
BORON: 1-3 mg daily with food; helps the body absorb calcium
and magnesium
MAGNESIUM- 250 mg daily; strengthens bones and relaxes muscles
COPPER: 2 mg daily
GLUCOSAMINE SULFATE: 500 mg. three times daily. Can rebuild
cartilage in joints and has been studied by the American
College of Rheumatology as an effective treatment for
rheumatoid arthritis.
NIACINAMIDE: 500 mg three times daily; anti-inflammatory and
heals damaged cartilage. Can cause liver damage and aggravate
diabetes, low blood pressure, ulcers, and glaucoma, so have a
doctor monitor you if you take this supplement.
Herbal supplements can be found in capsule or powder form, or
as teas. If you are making your own herbal tea, use 1 tsp. of
herb per cup of hot water. Cover mixture and steep for 5-10
minutes, or 10-20 if you are using roots. You can safely drink
3-6 cups of tea daily.
Muscle Relaxants
KAVA KAVA: Recognized by some doctors as a safe alternative to
Xanax and Valium.
BLACK HAW: relieves muscle spasms and is similar to aspirin
VALERIAN ROOT: Widely researched and documented as a sleep aid,
valerian has been given a number 1 rating for safety by The
American Herbal Products Association.
WILD YAM: Long used to treat menstrual cramps; generally taken
as a tea.
JAMAICA DOGWOOD: Used to treat muscle inflammation and spasms;
little research has been done on it and excessive amounts can
be toxic. Do not use with sedatives.
BROMELAIN: 500 mg three times daily
BOSWELLIN: 150 mg three times daily. Has been proven in
clinical trials to help alleviate low back pain
CURCUMIN: 400-600 mg three times daily; sometimes mixed with
ginger, curcumin has not been studied in clinical trials, but
herbalists use it as an anti-inflammatory.
MSM: Has not been researched, but herbalists use it as an
ST. JOHN’S WORT: 300-500 mg capsule three times daily;
interacts with a wide variety of medications and should only be
taken under the advisement of an herbal specialist.
Pain Relief
WHITE WILLOW BARK: effects are similar to taking aspirin
DEVIL’S CLAW: 400 mg three times daily. Used to treat
arthritis, research shows devil’s claw may boost the
effectiveness of conventional drugs.
Homeopathy is a practice of medicine that has been around for
about 200 years. It is based upon what is called the Law of
Similars and works on the same principle as do immunizations:
give someone a small dose of what would make them sick to cure
their sickness.
Treatments have been proven in clinical trials, and are
prepared by a homeopathic pharmacy under FDA guidelines.
Researchers don’t completely understand how homeopathic
medicines work, but the evidence is clear that they do.
Homeopathy has been popular in Europe and India for a long
time, and is gaining popularity in the United States.
Many practitioners are doctors or have some other kind of
medical degree, perhaps in nursing or psychology. The legal
issues surrounding homeopathic practitioners that do not have
medical degrees is unclear, but most homeopathic remedies are
sold over the counter and do not need a prescription.
Here are some natural homeopathic remedies that are helpful in
alleviating back pain:
AESCULUS: used for dull, nagging pain
ARNICA MONTANA: used in cases of trauma to the back
COLOCYNTHIS: used for weakness and muscle cramps in the lower
GNAPHALIUM: used to treat sciatica, which is often associated
with back pain
LYCOPODIUM: used to treat burning pain
RHUS TOXICODENDRON: used for lower back stiffness and pain
About The Author: Rene Graeber graduated from the University of
Munic in Educational and Sports Science and from the Paracelsus
School of Medicine in Hamburg from Naturopathic Medicine. If
you’re looking for the latest, helpful information about
alternative medicine the visit his website in Germany at